
Apps provided here are no longer maintained and provided as is. They are free to use and support all Android devices.

Utility Apps

Text Formatter (Metin Düzenleyici)

Text Formatter corrects typing mistakes by formatting text properly. It also provides some additional formatting options as well.

Notice: This app uses no intelligence built on dictionary look-ups. It doesn't consider semantics (thus doesn't correct words) to prevent undesired results. However, you may use an intelligent soft keyboard together with this app for that functionality. Additionally, this app is NOT for grammar correction.


Ayah Filter (Ayet Süzgeci)

Purpose: Fast and easy syntactic word searching in Arabic text of Quran.

Condition: Works fine with some minor bugs and occasional crashes.

Offline Use: If the target device doesn't have internet connection, you can download required files from here. Unzip and put these folders inside the "thereisonlywe" folder. All texts are included; you can delete the ones you don't need to save space. Just open "Files.txt" to determine which ones you need.

Description: Ayah Filter displays ayat containing the search words you enter on the screen (together with their translations in your own language). You may also get Quranic word suggestions for your input in the following languages: Albanian, Arabic, Bengali, Chinese, English, French, German, Hindi, Indonesian, Spanish, Persian, Russian, Turkish, Urdu. Clicking on any suggestion will show you the word's usage throughout Quran.

Features and Instructions (Please read prior to use):

Additionally, these are applied for searches to be effortless:

Salah Aware (Namaz Habercisi)

Salah Aware encourages you to integrate daily salat into your everyday life. Salah Aware not only displays daily true Islamic prayer times for your location, but it also helps you not miss a prayer by keeping you informed about unperformed salah belonging to the moment. Salah Aware also features a highly customizable alert system.

Salah Aware's major difference compared to other Muslim prayer time calculators is that it calculates sky illumination/darkness times according to Quran and sunnah, and not according to Astronomical definitions. Salah Aware takes human eye's perception as basis and does little care about the absolute existence/absence of light. Thus, Salah Aware's calculated Fajr time shows the beginning of horizontal illumination (more specifically, when redness is clearly visible at the horizon) and is significantly different compared to similar programs' calculated Fajr time.

Condition: Works fine except the problems below:

Abjad Calculator (Ebced Hesabı)

This is an application to calculate numerological values of Arabic expressions. Esoteric Abjad Calculator supports almost all abjad systems (Eastern/Mashriq, Western/Maghreb, Ibn Arabi's, Ontological) and types (True, Single digit, Literal, Mod12, Dotless Only, Dotted Only). Arabic keyboard is already provided inside application. To copy abjad result to the clipboard, just click on it.

In the first three abjad systems, values are simply calculated by addition of all number values of letters making up an expression. Each system assigns a different value to each letter.

Ontological Abjad System we developed considers each Arabic word as a number in number base 28; each letter valued in ontological order (taken from Ibn Arabi's work) starting from 1 as Alif/Aleph, increasing with letter order and finally ending with 0 as Waw. This one is the only abjad system in which the letter order is taken into account.

Condition: Works fine except ة doesn't work. Use ه instead.

Purpose: Create multi-layered (1-4 depending on device) circular application pools and add them to various parts of screen as widgets for ease of access.

Credits: github.com/sababado/CircularView, github.com/commonsguy/cw-omnibus, pixlr.com

Text Encryptor (Metin Şifreleyici)

Text Encryptor uses (SECRET level) AES algorithm to help you easily encrypt/decrypt text with a single password. It doesn't collect or share personal data and leaves no trace of the original text.

Book Apps

Gospel of Barnabas (Barnabas İncili)

This bible/injil is believed to be written by Barnabas, an apostle of Jesus/Yeshua/Isa. Although it has been hidden for a long while, thanks to the Creator, it is revealed on our time. The main difference between this bible and others is that this one introduces Jesus (may peace be upon him) as a prophet of God and mentions prophet Muhammad (may peace be upon him) several times. This text has some similarities with Quran/Koran.

Excerpt: "As a man cannot see with his eyes the heaven and the earth at one and the same time, so it is impossible to love God and the world (together). No man can in any wise serve two masters that are at enmity one with the other; for if the one shall love you, the other will hate you. Even so I tell you in truth that ye cannot serve God and the world, for the world lieth in falsehood, covetousness, and malignity. Ye cannot therefore find rest in the world, but rather persecution and loss. Wherefore serve God and despise the world, for from me ye shall find rest for your souls, Hear my words, for I speak unto you in truth."

Reminder: "Bible" itself is given to Jesus himself and is not an actual book (as we know it). This text consists of sayings of Jesus which are from that (inner, abstract) 'Bible'.

Ayah Lookup is a basic, lightweight Quranic verse look up tool that you may use to quickly check ayat you read/heard somewhere over. Both an English literal translation of the complete verse and English translations of individual words are provided. This is so that you may read and examine the verse free of translators' comments and views as much as possible.

Ahadith {AR}

This application contains saheeh/sahih (authentic) ahadith (sayings of prophet Muhammad, s.a.w.) conveyed by Tirmidhi (3891), Bukhari (7008), Muslim (5362), Ahmad ibn Hanbal (26363), Imam Malik (1594), Abu Dawud (4590), Al Darami (3367), Al Nasai (5662) and Ibn Maja (4332). Translations of the ahadith are NOT included. Texts are pure Arabic. It is designed plainly to read, learn and study ahadith from beginning to the end. You may change page by swiping. You may also share a hadith by long pressing on the screen. The last page you were on is remembered by the app.

Kuran ayetlerinin ve hadislerin Türkçe çevirileri içinde arama yapın! Ayet Bulur sayesinde belli kelimelerle ilişkili ayet ve hadislere ulaşabilir ve bunların içinden dilediklerinizi başkalarıyla paylaşabilirsiniz.

Ayet Bulur girdiğiniz kelimelerin anlamlarını içeren ayetleri ve hadisleri ekrana getirir. Ayrıca Arapça kelimelerin Türkçe okunuşlarını da girdi olarak kullanabilirsiniz. Arama prensibi aynen Google'da olduğu gibi, basittir. Kolaylık için, aramalar şapkalar ihmal edilerek yapılmaktadır. Arama kutusuna daha fazla kelime girmekle arama kapsamını daraltabilirsiniz. 

Not: Özgün Kuran metni içinde birebir aramalar yapmak için Ayet Süzgeci (Ayah Filter) uygulamasını kullanın. Ayet Bulur'un amacı herhangi bir konu hakkındaki ayetlere hızlıca ulaşabilmenizi sağlamaktır.

Bu uygulama İhlas.net'in aynı isimli eserinden uyarlanmıştır. Birçok kişi zaten bu çalışmadan haberdar olduğu için isimde değişiklik yapmadık. Muhammedi evliya (Allah dostları) hakkındadır ve yeni sürümlerde peygamberler de eklenmiş bulunmaktadır. Peygamber bilgileri Diyanet Vakfı'nın ansiklopedisinden alınmıştır.

Bu uygulama Hz. Mevlâna'nın Mesnevi adlı eserini kolaylıkla okumanızı sağlar. Ekranda her seferinde beş(*) beyitin çevirisi görüntülenir. Sayfa değiştirip, sonraki yada önceki beş beyiti görmek için ekranın altında ok işaretlerinin bulunduğu yerde parmağınızı sağa ya da sola doğru kaydırın. Ayrıca doğrudan cilt ve beyit numarası da seçebilirsiniz. Uygulama her seferinde daha önce kaldığınız sayfayı açar. Beyitleri paylaşmak için yazının üzerine basılı tutun.

*Beyit numarası açısından arada ileriye ya da geriye doğru kaymalar olabilmekle birlikte, metnin bütünlüğü korunmuştur.

Not: Metin semazen.net adresinden alınmıştır. Veled Çelebi (İzbudak) çevirisidir.

Bu uygulama Hz. Mevlâna'nın rubailerini kolaylıkla okumanızı sağlar. Uygulamada bulunan rubailer, Emekli Albay Şefik Can bey tarafından derlenmiş ve çevrilmiştir. Ekranın altında ok işaretlerinin bulunduğu yerde parmağınızı sağa ya da sola doğru kaydırarak gezinebilirsiniz. Paylaşım yapmak için yazının bulunduğu bölgeye parmağınızı basılı tutun. Uygulama her seferinde daha önce kaldığınız sayfayı açar.

Not: Metin semazen.net adresinden alınmıştır. Yer yer yazım hatalarına rastlansa da geneli okunup, anlaşılabilir şekildedir.

Bu uygulama, sahih hadislerin bir kısmını (yaklaşık 6000 adet) kolaylıkla okumanızı sağlar. Hadisleri baştan sona gezmek ve öğrenmek üzere sade tasarlanmıştır. Hadis aramak için olmadığından fihrist şeklinde değildir. Sayfa değiştirmek için ekranın altında ok işaretlerinin bulunduğu yerde parmağınızı sağa ya da sola doğru kaydırın. Paylaşım yapmak için yazının bulunduğu bölgeye parmağınızı basılı tutun. Uygulama her seferinde daha önce kaldığınız sayfayı açar.


Apps below work in any Java-enabled platform (Windows/Mac/Linux...).

This lets you extract images from a pdf file. Depending on the images embedded in the pdf file, some images are exported in jpeg, others in ppm format. You might need an application to open ppm files, like GIMP.